Every year at this time I take a close look at my life and reflect on the past and present. One thing I know for sure is this...New Year’s resolutions, although great in theory, usually don’t work out the way I want them to. Why? Because they are wishes and not goals. Without a plan I'll surely fail. So this year I've got a plan that includes the following goals.
1) Eat healthy – more fruits and veggies, less carbs and sugar.
2) Make the time to exercise – at least 30 minutes every day.
3) Continue to pay down all charge-card debt and resist the urge to live beyond my means.
4) Learn something new - continue to expand my knowledge through education.
5) Get organized - toss out everything I don't use, or sell it on eBay.
6) Meditate and remain grateful for the God-sent people who encourage me to follow my dreams.
It also helps to make sure my goals are measurable. I think the best way to do this is by writing down specific activities and scheduling time on my calendar. I also plan to chart my progress in my notebook journal.
I love new beginnings!