Before leaving for work this morning I watched GMA and learned more about the horrific news of the Virginia Tech shootings. At first I wondered if the massacre could have been prevented? Why didn't the administration at VTech call off classes right after the first shootings occurred? Why weren't the proper authorities (law enforcement) called to the scene immediately, or were they?
As the day went on I read that the shooter, a senior at the school, had a history of emotional issues uncovered when he wrote a violent paper/play. According to one report, the student was referred to counseling as a result. Looks like that plan failed. Should the college have released him, would anyone have been any safer if he was forbidden from attending classes?
While his motive remains unclear at this time, one is left to wonder how anyone can do such a thing. When will the brutality end? And what about the people who seem to be less impacted by this act of tragedy than Columbine, what does it say about the hardening of people's hearts?
I pray for peace now more than ever. I pray that every candle lit at every vigil and every tear shed will bring communities together in awareness to rise above evil.
God Bless!