Waking up the whole house at 6am to scope out what the Easter Bunny left for me and my brother Steve.
Giant Easter Baskets stuffed with candy that lasted at least three months.
Chocolate bunny heads and jelly beans for breakfast.
Itchy, fancy, frilly dresses, hats, and gloves.
Mom insisting we avoid dirtying our new clothes, even if we were on a mission to find every Easter egg hidden in the yard.
Ham dinner followed by chocolate bunny feet.
Mom’s Kodak Instamatic camera and the multiple roles of film she shot while expecting nothing less of her children than to look like fashion models.
Stomach aches that prevented me from attending school the next day.
Sitting home and eating more candy while out of school.
Yeah, those were the days! Here's a shot of me and my brother from Easter 1969.